Campus Address
Vill - Atghoria
P.O - Atghoria
P.S - Kalna
Dist - Burdwan
Pin - 713405
West Bengal
With a view to provide education and training to a large number of intending trainees in and around our locality when the government body of our welfare society extremely felt the necessity of establishing a new D.Ed. College, I , Subodh Halder, Secretary of Krishnagar Educational and Welfare Society undertake and accept the proposal and come forward to establish a D.Ed. College in the name and style of Dhatrigram D. Ed. College at Vill + P.O.: Atghoria, P.S.: Kalna, Dist: Burdwan, PIN: 713405. As there is no D.Ed. College within the radius of 40 k.m. this College will mitigate the demand of the intending and unprivileged trainees of the vast area of mainly Kalna Block, Purbasthali Block. With the sole objective of providing education & training among the most intending trainees we have come forward to establish such a D.Ed. College. In fact, in keeping with the tradition of Bengal’s love. Dhatrigram D. Ed. College equipped with airy, lighty and spacious infrastructure, adequate instructional facilities, sufficient number of library books, required number of furniture and teaching learning materials along with all other facilities like waterline, sanitation, electrification and after all qualitative teaching staff and skilled Teaching Support Staff & Administrative Staff etc.